Rigorous protocolsyou can trust.

Isometric protocols are authored by our team of Ph.D. scientists, and set the bar for what suppliers need to measure to demonstrate that carbon dioxide has been removed from the atmosphere and safely stored. In line with the Isometric Standard, all protocols ensure removals are additional and based on the latest scientific knowledge.

Each protocol is modular, ensuring suppliers can choose the capture, feedstocks, LCA, and storage mechanisms that best describe their process while adhering to our uniformly high and conservative standard.
Electrolytic marine carbon removal utilizes the changes in seawater pH that result from water electrolysis to facilitate carbon removal. When sufficient voltage and current are applied to influent seawater, the fluid surrounding the cathode (the catholyte) becomes alkaline, while the fluid surrounding the anode (the anolyte) becomes acidic. The resulting catholyte and anolyte are processed separately. Due to the significant pH increase in the catholye, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), calcium ions and magnesium ions are precipitated as carbonate minerals and magnesium hydroxide. Following mineral precipitation, the catholyte is sparged with the atmosphere to restore some of the DIC. The acidic anolyte is separately processed by adding alkaline feedstock to partially restore the alkalinty removed in the catholyte. Following processing, the catholyte and the anolyte are mixed and released back into the ocean.
v1.0 | Pending certificationElectrolytic Seawater Mineralization
This protocol outlines the MRV and best practices for high-quality carbon removal in electrolytic seawater mineralization.
Authored By
EMC modules
Modules are distinct parts of Isometric's protocols, each detailing a portion of a project's carbon removal. This modular structure makes it simple to quickly adjust protocols to appropriately describe the removal mechanism while maintaining their rigour and quality.
EMC science experts
The Isometric Science Team consists of internal, full-time scientists, all of whom are subject matter experts in one or more CDR pathways.
We collaborate both internally and externally to conduct foundational research, evaluate and develop protocols and communicate the applications of our work.
Jennifer Yin, Ph.D.Carbon Removal Scientist
Jing He, Ph.D.Carbon Removal Scientist
Kevin Sutherland, Ph.D.Carbon Removal Scientist
Sophie Gill, Ph.D.Marine Carbon Removal Manager

All our protocols followthe Isometric Standard for crediting

Explore the standard