
A supplier is an organization focused on achieving carbon dioxide removal (CDR). They can be grouped into pathways based on capture and storage mechanisms. Scientists at Isometric work with multiple suppliers across pathways to advance research and to both review and develop protocols.
Biomass Carbon Removal and StorageBiomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS) involves storing carbon present in biomass, which is organic material originating from living or recently living organisms. Examples of products stored are: biomass in its original form, dried biomass or products produced from biomass such as bio-oil or biochar.+6
Vaulted DeepVaulted takes biomass and with minimal processing is able to inject it underground for durable storage.Great Plains Organic Waste Sequestration Verified
GraphyteGraphyte uses residual biomass to deliver carbon removal that is permanent, affordable, and immediately scalable.Loblolly Project Verified
Charm IndustrialCharm Industrial converts agricultural and forestry biomass residues into bio-oil via fast pyrolysis, and then injects the bio-oil into EPA-permitted injection wells to achieve storage of carbon on geological timescales.Charm Kansas Bio-oil Geologic Storage VerifiedRange & Plains BiocharVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
CarboneersCarboneers TF develops biochar projects and models in remote areas in the Global South.Carboneers & Terrafront High Tech BiocharVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
Arbor EnergyArbor converts waste biomass into clean electricity and high-purity CO₂ that can be injected underground for permanent removal.Coming soon
CarbaCarba converts biomass to a stable solid carbon through pyrolysis and buries it underground in anoxic chambers for durable storage.Coming soon
NULIFE GreenTechNULIFE GreenTech utilizes patented Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) technology to convert waste biomass into bio-oil. The bio-oil is injected underground for durable storage.Coming soon
OnePoint5OnePoint5 transforms surplus agricultural residue into high-quality biochar, enhancing soil health and durability in agricultural and infrastructure applications.Coming soon
RewindRewind leverages the natural ability of plants to capture CO₂, and the Black Sea to store it for thousands of years.Coming soon
Sitos GroupSitos turns biomass into highly durable biochar—made by growers, used by growers—to store carbon, enrich soils, and build a more regenerative future. Coming soon
Enhanced WeatheringEnhanced weathering (EW) refers to the acceleration of natural chemical weathering, a process in which carbon dioxide dissolved in rainwater reacts with minerals contained within rocks, partly dissolving them and producing stable bicarbonate ions. When these bicarbonate ions are transported to the oceans via rivers they may be securely stored on long-term timescales. Typically enhanced weathering involves spreading crushed reactive rocks or minerals on croplands.+2
InPlanetInPlanet enables farmers in the tropics to remove atmospheric CO₂ and move toward more sustainable agricultural practices.Project Serra da Mantiqueira VerifiedProject AracariVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
MatiMati durably removes carbon using enhanced rock weathering in smallholder farmer fields across global south countries delivering co-benefits and climate adaptation support to these farmers.Seoni Enhanced Rock Weathering ProjectVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
Alt CarbonAlt Carbon removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by accelerating earth’s natural carbon dioxide regulating mechanism - weathering.Darjeeling Revival ProjectVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
CarbonyCarbony is utilizing high-efficiency olivine rock powder to accelerate the permanent carbon removal with ERW in non-farming managed lands.Coming soon
ZeroExZeroEx applies basaltic by-products on agricultural land to permanently store carbon, focusing on regional deployments with minimal transport distances to support sustainable agriculture and local communities.ZX-24 Vulkaneifel Verified
MineralizationMineralization involves the conversion of carbon dioxide into stable mineral forms, such as carbonates. The process can occur naturally, over geological timescales, and through accelerated processes, such as enhanced weathering (EW). Within this process, metal oxides, such as magnesium oxide and calcium oxide, react with carbon dioxide to form stable carbonates phases. The products of this process are typically stable over geological timescales. Multiple process paths can be utilized to achieve mineralization, including biological, microbial, chemical and physical feedstock alteration.
ArcaArca removes CO₂ from the atmosphere and transform it into rocks, for gigatonne-scale impact with an ultralight footprint.Coming soon
Direct Air CaptureDirect air capture (DAC) refers to a set of chemical or electro-chemical processes that remove carbon dioxide from ambient air. Carbon dioxide in the air binds to either a solid sorbent or a liquid solvent which then undergo a process called regeneration where they are treated to release captured carbon dioxide. This typically creates a pure stream of carbon dioxide which can then be stored using a variety of storage techniques.+2
ClairityClairity captures atmospheric CO2 using a low-cost and abundant sorbent, enabling sequestration or utilization of captured CO2.Project JuniperVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
AirhiveAirhive captures carbon dioxide from the air using mineral sorbents through a process known as fluidisationComing soon
EDAC LabsEDAC Labs’ electrochemical process allows for the production of low cost acid and base products that are utilized to recover commodities from extractive wastes and capture CO₂.Coming soon
PhlairPhlair is using a process known as electrochemical pH-swing. Their system uses a solvent to capture CO₂ and an acid to release it.Coming soon
Sirona TechnologiesSirona Technologies is pioneering modular DAC technology with in-situ mineralization, starting in Kenya.Coming soon
Oceans and RiversOceans and rivers carbon dioxide removal pathways utilize the ocean’s natural capacity to absorb and store carbon for long timescales. These pathways leverage the biogeochemical and physical qualities of the Earth’s surface waters to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide or reduce natural outgassing. Some examples include various forms of mineral alkalinity enhancement and electrochemical treatment of seawater.+1
Planetary TechnologiesPlanetary Technologies add alkaline compounds to seawater to enhance the natural ability of seawater to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide, storing the carbon in dissolved carbon-containing ions in the oceans.Nova Scotia Mineral OAE ProjectVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
CREW CarbonCREW removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via wastewater treatment systems, deploying fine-grained natural minerals like calcium carbonate in wastewater treatment systems.Greater New Haven Municipal WAE ProjectVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2025
Captura CorporationCaptura’s Direct Ocean Capture technology extracts CO₂ from the upper ocean, creating capacity for the ocean to remove CO₂ from atmospheric air.Coming soon
CarbonRunCarbonRun is the first in the world to use a safe, proven river restoration approach to decrease river acidity in a way that also naturally delivers carbon to the ocean, preventing it from returning to the atmosphere. Rivers as a force for change.Coming soon
EquaticEquatic removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores it permanently in solid and aqueous minerals.Coming soon
LimenetLimenet enhances limestone to capture atmospheric CO₂, converting it into calcium bicarbonates safely stored in the ocean.Coming soon
ReforestationReforestation (Refo) involves activities that reintroduce or increase forest cover on degraded lands restoring the native forest ecosystem. Forests can act as a source or sink of carbon by converting atmospheric CO₂ into biomass through photosynthesis. Carbon is also steadily released from forest biomass through respiration and oxidation or as a result of timber harvesting, fires and deforestation. Reforestation activities include planting tree seedlings, facilitating natural regeneration and the ongoing management of the forest to maximize and preserve the carbon removed from the atmosphere that is stored in tree biomass.
Living CarbonLiving Carbon revitalizes Appalachia by transforming severely degraded mine lands and marginal farmland into thriving, biodiverse forests.Reforesting Degraded Appalachian Mine and Agricultural LandsVerification in progress, Credits expected Q2 2028
BamboukuBambouku cultivates bamboo forests on degraded lands for carbon capture and to create carbon-negative building materials.Coming soon
CarbonMarketsHQCarbonMarketsHQ is a carbon project origination platform scaling nature restoration in the Global South. Their flagship reforestation project is restoring an Indo-Burmese biodiversity hotspot in Nagaland while empowering local communities.Coming soon